Thanks for all your responses. They are extremely helpful. I have been experimenting using the term gifted and seeing what the reactions are. It is interesting because at yet another school I visited today, that is a member of a gifted association, had some hesitation with engaging with those concepts. When we asked why the school joined the association she said that many of their kids are gifted so she felt it was important to recognize them. The director talked about her experience working with children with special needs and gifted children. I understand they are often lumped together if an educator is lucky enough to have training at all.

So, this framing is very helpful. I will follow this good advice that asks the right questions without triggering human fears and beliefs about acceptance and equality in the world!

The previous "red flag" school is really warm and inviting to us even if we are not the typical parents that might choose this school. That said, two other schools are ready to place my daughter in kindergarten as they ability group. So I think we are narrowing our choice...

I am still struggling though with being able to articulate to teachers and school administrators the differences between bright/smart and gifted. Any framing on that one? ;-)