Follow your gut instinct. I think their comments are red flags. In my experience as a parent who shopped many schools, and as a professional working with CSTs, comments like these mean that these folks don't really understand truly gifted children. After several trial and errors (public & private schools) we have finally found a school where we believe they get it. For the first time since this journey began I found myself in agreement with the folks there on what a gifted child like mine needs. I left our last conference speechless as they just seem to really get it. It was an amazing feeling.
Not testing for giftedness in pre-school is pretty normal around here. Because I have inside knowledge of how many educators operate, I had my DS7 privately tested at age 4. This way I would have proof that I wasn't just another mom claiming her kid is gifted. Educators commonly brush off parents with these comments bc they are ignorant about giftedness.
I would keep looking. Best of luck and welcome aboard! :-)