Wholehearted ditto about never getting bored.

I guess I think the course of my life, like everyone else who answered, was intertwined with being gifted: meeting interesting friends, going to a gifted magnet HS and a top college where I met my gifted DH, etc. I was successful in my career when I worked.

A good thing that helps me now is creative thinking, whether it's about my kids' education or some volunteer activities I'm involved with. I've helped bring interesting programs to schools, summer camps, a city-wide science festival (which sadly I come up with all the ideas), established our gifted assoc and set up speakers & write the newsletter, etc.

On the negative side, it's sometimes hard to turn off the endless analysis going on in my mind and enjoy the moment. I have to consciously tell myself to relax and put other things aside. My older sister who is incredibly bright is worse than I am...she doesn't stop planning and analyzing. It's high intensity and exhausting. Also, with her, she can get 100s on every test in grad school, but lacks common sense and a sense of humor(my DH always jokes with her and she says, "I don't get it")

Like EandC who says, "it's hard to find people to talk to about these kinds of things" I do find it lonesome many times and have trouble connecting to people around here. I remember one Book Club meeting where a woman wouldn't stop talking to me about her vacuum cleaners and I thought I was going to die...what about the book? And one luncheon where the big topic was who does your hair? Aggh!