I think it has helped me to relate to my PG dd. When she has frustrations or doesn't understand something I think I'm able to teach her things in a way that really gets through to her.

Its funny, its not something I talk about with others that often. I was like dd when I was young. In K the school wanted me to skip to 2nd grade but I was only 4 and extremely tiny and shy and my Mom said nope. I was in GT but really leveled out in school. Looking back now I realize it was boredom. I would ace anything I studied for but had no real desire to excel academically. Ironic because all through jr, high school and 2 years of college I was pre-med...I had all AP courses and without thinking about it would get B's. If I liked a class I got A's. Hindsight is 20-20, though. Wish I had the desire then. Anyway, I think its helped me always land on my feet, though. I have a knack for numbers and managed to fall backwards into Finance! I did that for 8years before "retiring" to stay home with my kids. lol....Funny where life takes ya!