Dottie - LOVED the Mensa lapel pin remark!!! I laughed all the way to pick up my kids.

mayreeh and acs - you're right about never being bored. I had never thought of that as part of being gifted.

CFK - wow!! It really did make a wonderful difference in your life. Fantastic!

Kriston and acs - I'm with you about craving to learn new things. Sometimes I feel like my brain is just stagnating and it needs to learn something new!! I think that is why I'm such a researcher - I love to stimulate the old thought processes.

Tammiane - it's not something I talk about with anyone either. It's hard to find people to talk about these kinds of things with. Great that you were able to use your knack for numbers to your advantage though.

Thanks for all the replies. Sometimes I only see the negatives (feeling different, having no one to really relate to sometimes even as an adult, etc.). It's good to see the positive things and to realize some of the things I take for granted, such as never being bored and being constantly curious and wanting to learn new things, are part of the whole "gifted" package.

I'd love to hear some more if anyone has anything else! But if not, thanks for the replies!!!