We have Everyday Math here, too. I have to say, even though DS6 doesn't need any of the stuff they do in his 1st grade class in that program, it does impress me in one way. I had nightmares thinking about what I was going to do with the math program that the school had the year before he started there--my neighbor's 5th grader had the most horrendous math book you ever saw, and there was no way I was not going to end up battling them over that junk! But Everyday Math at least does not force kids into doing things in one particular (and non-traditional) way; it focuses on how many different ways there are to get answers, which I see as a good thing. I haven't had to deal with it for any advanced stuff yet, though, because DS6 just does his own thing with his math and uses several different books that his teacher gave him that are not necessarily related to the actual school program of math.

All that aside, I see that I have gotten totally sidetracked by the mention of math triangles, LOL!

No, we take most of the homework (spelling pages, sight words, busy fluff) and toss it in the trash. We do the regular homework page in about two minutes and forget about the rest. He just finishes that so he can hurry back to his 4th grade math or algebra books that he really enjoys.