Originally Posted by Ellipses
After working with many gifties in my profession who opt-out of many assignments and end up either fired or given boring work, I ensure that my daughter understands completing assignments. This is just habit for her now. Life is like this.

Please read my original question --- I do require my DD to complete the required assignments. I was asking if you require your kids to do the optional work - the busy work. To me, that is just a waste of time.

I have to respectfully disagree with your response. I find that the ones who do not do the tedious tasks, are more efficient. I have worked with too many people that do not work efficiently because they are doing all the busy work. For example, years ago, I had a manager quit, who was working 12 hours a day. I had to pick up all his work. I completed it in 8 hours a day. Which is working smarter: Working Longer hours to complete a task because working more hours "looks good?" OR Being efficient? I believe in spending your time doing productive work. Our society rewards "working too hard, 12 hours a day, never taking vacation" rather than having balance...and I disagree with that.

I won't make my daughter do something if it isn't productive. There is no point in doing work if it does not provide some sort of advancement (i.e. learning something new, completing a project, etc.)