I am not requiring hours, just output. I am really speaking of the reports and other boring pieces that are to be completed after the exciting part of the assignment.

My daughter has always been expected to do any bonus work. This is due to the fact that she can do it. It is now a mindset and she sees herself as a person who goes above and beyond. If a student does not view him or herself in this way early on in their education, this is hard to instill later when the work is important.

At the age of eleven she may argue a little, but she knows deep down that she will complete it. This is now a part of her character. She even invents it if it is not there. At her parent/teacher conference last week, her teacher said that she asked if she could add a new word to their words each week. This is just between the two of them and her teacher is enjoying it and is learning new words herself. I believe this to be the bonus to everyone for instilling this in her.