A tip that might work for writing - as nearly every boy on this site seems to be having that quite normal for boys problem: link the writing to something else they LOVE! e.g. - my brilliant DH made a connection between DS6's recent fascination with the new "chalk markers" his teacher had at school, the white board markers DH has in his office at home and the Thomas The Tank "white board" we had already provided iwth pens ages ago for DS6. It turned out the key to getting DS6 to follow the arrows on his white board was as a simple as a new set of whiteboard marker pens! He sat for an entire 4 hours during one of his suspensions having a great time doing what he hates most -writing.

The clues to what "turns them on" are often right infront of our eyes -but we have to turn ourselves on better to pick up on the clues !!