We have sleep issues here as well. My DS8 has a terrible time falling asleep. In his case, I think reading before bed is what keeps him awake. My friend says she is the same way. I'll call her in the AM and she can barely talk b/c she stayed up until 5am reading a book! We had a few days where DS lost everything in his room, including his books, for very poor behaviour and he fell asleep very quickly. NOw he's back to reading before bed and is pushing falling asleep until 10-11pm. He's never needed as much sleep as other kids and stopped napping at 2yrs old. He claims that he wakes several times each night due to bad dreams and that he is afraid to go to sleep b/c of bad dreams. He doesn't read scary books before bed. My mother had nightmares every night of her life. I have very vivid dreams which just wear me out. If I'm getting exercise and don't have much sugar/chocolate before bed, I sleep much better. I found DS8 reading at nearly 11pm last night. Of course this AM he is very bleary-eyed. So I'm going to go back to reading in the living room before bed and then no books in bed and see if that helps.

If I snuggle w/ DS8 he falls asleep quickly. But i have 2 other kids (5yr and 2yrs old) and DH doesn't get home until 8:30-9pm so it's difficult to sit/lay with him for 15min or so.

Now my 5yr old who has been my sleeper child.....napping until he went to K, putting himself to bed every night w/out being told, is having sleep issues probably b/c he's not happy in K. It's taking him a long to go to sleep.