Originally Posted by Tiz
Isa I am sure that no-one here will judge you - we all know how important our sleep is smile and like my friend always says it's not like they will still be bf at 18!

DH and me used to joke that she will be at the University or with boyfriend and still wanted to bf laugh !!

On the other hand, she used to wake up at night until very recently and I had to bf to sleep every time... We co-slept until she was about 4 and from 3 years old to 4 it was a nightmare because DS was as well in the big bed and they both have fights at night to see who got mamma's 'nams'. Then between 4 and 5.5ish I would go from one bed to another.
But now, FINALLY, she is pretty much sleeping the whole night and when she awakes it is enough to quickly make her do 'pipi' and put her back in bed and she falls sleep in two seconds by herself.

DS usually sleeps as well almost the whole night, except when not and then I can spend two hours trying to make him sleep again.

Anyway, in RL I do not dare to mention that I still bf DD... with the exception of two friends - who obviously do not approve it but sense that it may be not a good idea to start a discussion on the topic.