Ok, I am going to earn the tittle of complete freak, but I have been breast-feeding DD to sleep until very recently!

This has made her sleep within 10 or even 5 minutes smile

Now I am working very hard to wean her, but i still have to trick her, so I pretend for example (after I have put her to bed and put dim lights) that I am going to put my pajamas and leave her for about 10 minutes. If this does not work, I sing her a few songs and of this does not work, then I bf her....

Anyway, even with the help of my 'nams' (as DS calls them) she sleeps better if she has enough mental challenge. Exercise does help too, but the mental one seems to be more important. And she needs some good time to cool down in the evening, although it is difficult to say how much it is because I have to take care of DS at the same time, who becomes quite difficult and tornado-like when he is tired....

About DS... my kleine-tornado... he as well falls sleep when I bf him, but it takes longer, up to 30 minutes sometimes. And the bad part is that he does not want to bf when he does not want to go to sleep. And he cannot sleep until 6 or 7 hours after his nap - he really has trouble sleeping earlier.

I think both of them would be much more easier to handle if I could put them to bed separately but unfortunately DH arrives most days quite late frown

Oh well....