Wow ... your examples of your DD sounds so much like my best friend's daughter. They diagnosed her with ADHD but my BF was not convinced because she could focus. She was the one that came across SI and took this to the doctors and they agreed this was her problem. My BF still has problems getting her daughter into school. This past week she went a total of once for the whole week. She has panic attacks and yes this is what it sounds like your DD is having. She also goes through depression. (My BF DD is 15)

I really don't know enough about the testing she received and I am no expert but it really sounds like you have a highly gifted child on your hands. I say this in regards to your comment about prep school and giftedness being a nonissue or so you hope. Even gifted schools there is a difference between Moderately gifted and highly gifted. The best advice I can give is do a lot of reading. 'Genius Denied' is a great book and I am sure if you go to and do a search for gifted, highly gifted and teenagers you will come up with a ton of books. I am also sure others on the board can give you some suggestions. But I really want you to look at highly gifted children in general and you might just see a carbon copy of your child and with this maybe some reassurance and guidance.