Originally Posted by elh0706
I would love to get him the accomodation to type his assignments. This is one place that the school will not budge. His fine motor delay at his most recent evealuation was 77% of age level. He has to be 74% to get accomodations.

I have tried to let home work wait until after we have some time to go for a walk, or goof off together for a while. However, the melt downs and temper tantrums are worse and homework takes even longer than when I give him a 15 minute snack break and then have him start the assignments. So I've started trying to go for our walk after homework is done. This works better when homework actually gets done in less than 3 hours....

That is really tough that his other medications would not work with ADHD medications. I am not always a fan of medication, but with a kid who is clearly struggling this much it would definitely be something to consider if you didn't have that issue. Wow, 3 hours on homework. That is a really long time. Now I know somedays it probably goes quicker, and that probably some of it is spent being distracted, trying to get back on task, reminding him, etc (I used to be a therapist and worked lots with children and families in a school, and I worked a lot with kids with ADHD as well as other issues, so I do get it). But still, that is too much for all of you to handle. Does the school know it is taking that long? I know you run the risk of having him pulled from the gifted program if they reduce workload so this is a tough issue, but what is going on doesn't seem to be working for anyone...it exhausts me just thinking about it. Maybe you could meet with the school and let them know how long he is spending on it. When I had this issue before with students I would work with the teachers and determine an agreed up time that was acceptable to spend on work. (honestly this may be surprising but it averages about 10 minutes per grade). Now with the added ADHD I would add a little more time, but not tons more. When time is up, time is up...whatever is done goes in the bag. It just can't go on like that for anyone's sake. And also if you do feel like he is just lollygagging at times...it could speed him up and help him to be more focused. Just a thought, not the best idea ever but a thought : )