Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I am looking for suggestions and help!

Shellymos, He does have an diagnosis of ADHD type behaviors and an official LD of LD- undefined. He is on an IEP to help him with the behavioral issue, impulse control, organization and stuff like that. So far it isn't evident that it is helping. However, he is on a medication for another medical that contradicts with the ADHD medications so that is not an option. So while the drop in grades is more recent, the behaviors are ongoing.

I would love to get him the accomodation to type his assignments. This is one place that the school will not budge. His fine motor delay at his most recent evealuation was 77% of age level. He has to be 74% to get accomodations.

Inky, the only things that interest him outside of school are music (Drums, Oboe and Piano.) Not practicing LOL, but he really enjoys just goofing off with them. He spends alot of time playing with Legos and building all sorts of spaceships. Other interests are bakugon(sp), animals, a beginning interest in cooking, roughhousing with Mom and being outside.

I have tried to let home work wait until after we have some time to go for a walk, or goof off together for a while. However, the melt downs and temper tantrums are worse and homework takes even longer than when I give him a 15 minute snack break and then have him start the assignments. So I've started trying to go for our walk after homework is done. This works better when homework actually gets done in less than 3 hours....

Austin, the consequences of the b's and c's are that he may not be allowed to participate in the gifted program next year and they could pull him from his subject advancement in math and Reading. At this point maybe that is an acceptable consequence for his actions but repeating this same coursework next year sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Thanks again all smile