Well P,
It sounds like you have gotten some good info and built relationship with the teacher which is good. I think the intelligence testing is the needed next step. I don't think the Multiple Inteligence thing is going to help you because (my bias) I'll bet your son is basically 'way above average' on almost every kind of intelligence. So I think the system is good in for a school to try and 'pan for gold' and catch the strengths of all it's students, but not much use for kids who are processing at your son's level.

Are you open to homeschooling? Sounds like now that you see what the teacher has to deal with on a daily basis you realize that you could hire a tutor 2 hours a week, and drill him yourself 20 minutes a day, and let him pursue his interests the whole rest of the time without any loss. I've never had the daytime hours to try it myself, but to me it seems like something one could try for a year and see if it fits.

Glad to see you are less "Desperate"

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