Thanks Trinity and bk1

1) have you checked out his "Ruf Estimated Gifted Level?"
I don't know what this is, buty I will find out

2) If you ask for it in writing, with the school do an individual IQ and Achievement test?
I am a bit concerned that I don't want to become one of those parents, and there are many as you are probably aware, who thinks their little darlings are the bees knees. I will discuss this with the teacher today though, as it may be a way forward.

3) You mention that he 'won't read...but will pour over some books for hours' - can you say more about this? Is he literally below grade level when he is alone with the teacher?
It is hard to get this information. The terachers here are so afraid of telling you your child is struggling, or below par. We appear to have a culture of 'everyone is god at everything', and not comparing children in the same cohort for fear of branding some as failures. In my opinion this is facile since everyone knows that people are good at some things and bad at others. Again, i will try and pin the teacher down on this today.
At home, when he has 'set' books, it is like swimming through treacle trying to read with him. Yet when he goes to bed, he surrounds himself with books. He will spend ages looking at science books. His current favourite is 'Flotsam' which is a brilliant story without pictures. Also, 'Where's Wally', since he has a kind of fascination with little people (this ties in with his sculpture)

4)You say he baulks at math and arithmetic. What happens when you try a free trial of Memorizing Math facts is more about memorizing and "seat power" then Math. Doing work that is below one's readiness level, again is about compliance, but what is he like if you show him some "fancy stuff?" Memorizing is an important skill, but I don't believe that it should be called Math.
I will check this site out. I have never tried fancy stuff, maybe I should, tho' I'm no mathematician myself

5) Are you at a state funded school? Are their "out-of-pocket" school within a reasonable communte? I found that I learned a lot by introducing my son to a few "out-of-pocket" schools and listening carefully to their assesments of him.
We are state funded, but it's a good school in a nice area. Private schools are so expensive ($16000 p.a.)

6) What happenes when he tries to make stories? Can he write them down? Can he let you record them or scribe for him?
His imagination is vivid. It is hard for him to pick up a pencil and write. I will try scribing, which again is a great idea.

I think I covered most of your points above.
I think books with lots of words (lots to him, not me) just turn him off. If he listens to books on tapes or CDs he has great understanding and retention (he has a marvellous memory for stuff)

His maths - he can do his 2,3,4,5,6 and 10 times tables (I drilled him I'm afraid). I will have to look into more advanced maths, which may do the trick.

I have taken to sitting him down every night and kind of forcing him to pay attention to a book, or a piece of maths - but i'm so unsure as to whether this is more harm than good. I am trying to get him to focus. I don't know if 'm doing right or not. I don't want to squash all that is special about this fella out of him - but i want him to grow up and have some kind of normal life.

Thanks for your kind input amd time