I am guessing that because she is 3, they are putting much less emphasis on it. When my DS4.5 started a pre-k at 3, I mentioned that he was reading and a few of the other things he was doing. They said "okay" and that was that (I didn't want to be pushy). So a few weeks later they said "he is really READING, like difficult books too" I told them I knew this and I tried telling them. They said, "well we always have parents coming in telling us their child is reading...but they really aren't." Anyhow, he was there for a few months and they did okay but it just wasn't a good fit for him. I actually wasn't wanting him to be challenged, just acknowledged for who he was, and he wasn't. So I pulled him out after they told me that it was up to me, that they could "deal with him." if I decided to keep him there. I figured he is 3 and doesn't really need to be in pre-k til 4. Anyhow, you know best about what you want for your child. If it is about having her play, socialize and have fun....then sounds like it could be a decent fit. I know she can read harder books at home...but maybe she will be more interested in reading them at home. I just went to my sons conference today at his new Montessori program. They said he reads a little, but isn't all that interested...most likely because the books that the other kids can read are too easy for him. I am glad they acknowledged that but I don't think they are challenging him with reading. I am actually okay with that for now because he can do other challenging things there and he can read some other books they have that are more challenging if he wants to. He reads all the time, he doesn't have to in pre-k if he doesn't feel like it. Anyhow, just my random incongruent thoughts on it. ; ) Is DD happy there in other aspects? Or is she happy reading those books? (sometimes my DS enjoys reading basic books).