Since this is preschool and I assume not mandatory I would suggest to either do home schooling after preschool or change to a more play based preschool. This school may not have had too many gifted kids in the past and they may not know how to individualize instruction to her level. If your daughter receives more challenging reading and other materials at home, she may be more content to "go with the flow' at school. This is not to say that the situation at this school wouldn't improve, but it would take the immediate pressure off the situation. With my kids, I have not found a preschool that truly "gets them" academically and we had more success at home. I have a DD10 and DS4.

Also, I would suggest that when you speak with your child's teachers that you make sure that it doesn't sound like you criticize their efforts. I don't mean that you have, but some parents will make the teacher defensive by the way they address the issue. I have had great success this year by making DD's and DS's teachers my allies and ask them to problem solve with me to improve a situation. I try to avoid words like "bored" or "easy work" because a person may take it that they are boring or not engaging. Once a teacher feels insulted, it is difficult to get anything accomplished. HTH.


Last edited by Mommy2myEm; 02/03/09 01:27 PM.