Oh BookW,
I'm so glad you are feeling better. Golly, You are amazingly well placed! I predict that once the denial wears off, you will be an wonderful advocate for your child.

Imagine, me reminding you to contact the classroom teacher first before going to the principal! LOL!

I do have more questions -
1) Do you, in your heart, want a grade skip or in class differentiation or subject acceleration?
2) How much of a difficulty would homeschooling be?
3) Do you currently consider yourself gifted, or were you "just an early starter?"
4) I suggested that asking for inclass differentiation for a Level III or higher was just asking too much (for most teachers) - does this match your observations of your peer classroom teachers?
5) Are you currently working outside the home? In a school system? Do you have any interest in following up on your M.Ed. degree?
6) Are you aware of homeschool co-ops and small NFP school that give every child an individualised educational plan. Do you have any interest in running one? I predict that if you created an environment where Level III and up kids age 3-10 could school in peace, that you would have folks relocate to be there. Look at the number of people who are moving to send their child to the Davidson Academy in Nevada!
7) Of course what I would really like to see is for you to get this accomplished through the local school system. I think you should start talking to the Superintendent now, not about your daughter, but about trying to get a flexible middle school program in place starting now, so that the kinks will be worked out by the time she gets there. I've long thought that a resource room housed in the High School where Middle School aged kids can go and return from High School level classes as they become ready, and work independently and with help as needed would be an excellent and cost effective way for academically able middle school kids to continue to develop academically during those "interesting" middle school years.


Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com