Great suggestion.

You know when someone is just not listening? DD's preschool had written a letter in the Spring re: unassuming nature, yet high level of ability, particularly reading. I also met w/ princ. and future tchr. At the time, I was pleasantly surprised at how receptive they seemed.

Now that schl has started my child is coming home with letter booklets and beginning bks with sight words "I" and "am." She cries in the morning when she realizes it is a schl day and bemoans the fact that her reading and writing time is gone (she used to spend part of every afternoon relaxing in her room reading Ramona bks, biographies, science bks, fairy tales). The teacher said that she knows DD reads much higher, but she is sending her home w/ these bks to fit in with the rest of the group. I informed her that this was not a positive (she was shocked) since DD is fully aware of her differences and the fact that no one else in K is reading chaper bks (preschl was much more socialization and not as much of an issue). The teacher then responded that even with these easier bks DD sometimes skips a page. I explained b/c she is bored out of her mind. There is no understanding that my child is already adjusting to the expectations of the classroom.

To top it all off, DD is compliant and a people pleaser. She is reserved and sits back and lets the class learn what they need to without and interruptions from her.

Thanks for letting me vent. I was not sure where to turn since I do not feel comfortable discussing these dilemnas with my local mom/friends.