Oh - also - I have on friend who always told his kids "Sometimes, I'm just going to say no, for no reason, and you need to obey - and sometimes, I'm going to listen to your reasons". I generally go with "give a reason" this is respectful to the child - but with the gifted ones - they so do like to debate - and be little lawyers - huge risk of us losing control.

Time out is the other method we were told to use for non compliance - it usually brings him "down a peg or two" / makes him calmer - but it does't seem to change the overall "delay" in just getting what it means to be good!

Also finding lunchtimes, recess, end of the day, packing up time tend to be when the misbehavior occurs/ tiredness, hunger, more freedon in the great outdoors.

Do you have specifics other than transition and change causing issues?

We have always had issues with transition and change, but now I have also pinpointed it down too obsession over certain tasks, toys, wanting to do something and NO patience in wating for certain taks, toys, activities, rewards. Has anyone else seen these issues? The more aggressive behavior often occurs when someone says something mean, won't do things the way he thinks they should be done, he can't wait for something, or something he was in te middle of gets taken away by child or teacher or just because that paritcular activity "is over now". This was a lot more acceptable when he was 3.

Our county counsellor also informed us that 6 is when kids get mean/say mean things and "life isn't fair - this isn't fair, that isn't fair" - around age 7 but I don't see that so much yet.

Has anyone else read/used the book "Positive Discipline"?

Last edited by IronMom; 01/22/09 03:19 PM.