Totally what my kid is going through - SO Glad I am not the only one!! Mine is turning six next week! My current solution is to use the word NOW when things have to be a command after asking nicely once or twice. He resopnds to that - or counting to 3 still works from when he was a toddler.

Does anyone else have a child that has always picked a choice that wasn't even on the original list of approved choices? That's my kid.

Other solution: "I've given you my answer. My answer is not going to change. We are not discussing it anymore." Unfortunately - this has now been used against me when things are not going his way - and he tells me, he is not discussing it with me anymore (!) (I try not to laugh).

Can't wait to hear if they make changes at the school and whether this helps. I'm in totally the same boat - even AFTER having an intervention team try to help all the teachers and cafeteria workers get ot know him and his antics at the start of the school year.

Hang in there!