Hi JBDad, and Crisc,

Hope your troubles are abating a little? I've been reasonably open about ours, and in response it turns out that a couple of friends are having similar issues with their sons. The parents, parenting styles and boys are all quite different, but all kids are definitely bright, all around the same age, all having some unhappiness at school, and all saving the aggressive behaviour for home (though disruptive or inattentive at school). That one of these boys was behaving this way really surprised me - he's such a gentle soul.

This doesn't really help in terms of solving the problem, but knowing that the behaviour is less unusual than I had thought did calm me down a little. Calmer is always good. I'll need it - it's apparent now that NSDH isn't up to any sort of consistency, and it doesn't look like we can get the boys into the GT school this year - they could give a place to DS6, but not to DS4 (they're already overloaded with siblings of existing students).

Best wishes,