Originally Posted by Kriston
Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
Originally Posted by Mewzard
DD i don't know, but so far she has worked out pretty well how to push my buttons and get me to angry quicker than anyone i've ever met and i don't get angry easily...

Just a wild guess here Mewzard, but is DD of the same personality as you? If you both are of strong personalities than it would be easier to push your buttons. I think my sister and mother are the same personalities and they are always bickering. I have friends that push their mother's buttons and are of the same personalities.

Opposites do well at this, too. Bless 'em, my mom and sister make me crazier than anyone else, and they are NOTHING like me. They are very emotional, very passive aggressive, very self-sacrificing (only to be mad when their sacrifices aren't valued by others as much as they're valued by the sacrificer), etc. Seriously, get one of them with me, and it's just like Bones and Spock duking it out!

I often say that we just don't speak the same language, and as a result, we drive one another nuts. Though in our situation, it's completely without meaning to.

Different reason, same result. crazy

I think my daughter and i are both similar and completely different. We both stick to our opinions, there is no pushing us around, but she is very stubborn for the sake of it and hates rules where as i respect (valid) rules and will listen to other peoples opinions. Also she is only just 2 wink

My sister and mother argue lots, they are so similar. My mum can bait people into a situation where they are wrong no matter what. She also does that sacrifice thing which drives me crazy!

I also have more male friends than female, i have always felt more comfortable around men.