I feel the same way!

My mom thought I was "God's gift to smarts," and I don't think that was always good for me. It took me a long time to define myself as anything more than "the smart one," and I always felt I had to be perfect. I want my kids to feel like they can make mistakes and that they are more than brains with legs.

Amusingly, I always thought I was MG. I saw my IQ test score recently and found I was HG+. It at least explained to me why I thought DS7 was MG (or maybe just a wee bit more) all along. My whole frame of reference was skewed from a very early age!

BTW, I just realized that I didn't mention DS4 at all. That's because I still can't tell for sure if he's ND, LD + GT, or just differently GT. And I'm not even thinking about LOGs with him yet! crazy I'd tend to say that I'm smarter than he is, but that he's significantly more creative than anyone in the family. Still, it's awfully early to tell yet...
