Originally Posted by incogneato
I've mentioned that my perception is that Einstein's creativity set him apart and is a big piece of his accomplishments, K. smile

Agreed. smile It's why I'm not willing to state one way or another how smart I think DS4 is. I really feel like I just can't tell yet.

I will say that he doesn't seem to learn as fast as anyone else in the family. Things require more explanation for him. He's also not as advanced for his age as anyone else in the family was at 4yo. But I also think that if he has a different kind of intelligence, if it's taking some different form than that of all the Spocks he's surrounded by, I may just not recognize his strengths as easily. He definitely has many of the "symptoms" of GTness besides the "book-smarts," so I tend to think there's something going on there.

But he isn't the kid that people say upon a first meeting, "You know he's really smart, right?" as his brother always has been.

Whatever that means... crazy

Oh, and kcab, LOL! laugh

Last edited by Kriston; 01/05/09 08:33 AM.
