So sad that the routine of school starts back up tomorrow!
It sure went by quick. frown It's been hard to say goodbye to the unbounded play and creativity my daughters enjoyed the past few weeks. DD's turned our living room into a Dinosaur Museum complete with all the excavation tools on display with explanations of how they were used and a gift shop that took dinosaur dollars and T-Rex tokens. It'll be nice to have the couches back but sad to know the unstructured time has ended. After much of the vacation spent deschooling, DD6 had another "More Math!" request on Saturday and that did my heart good. It was also wonderful to be able to indulge the pleas to keep reading and not worry about waking up early the next morning. Oh, Spring Break seems so far away...76 days and counting.
So don't leave me hanging here...fess up...anyone think that they are more gifted then their kid? as gifted?
I go back and forth on this. I came across my SB-LM score in some old school files my mother had saved, so I'm curious about how our scores would compare. DH says DD's are my clones, so I'm guessing it's pretty close. They have an edge in circumstances though. My mom was a single mother so her time and money for afterschooling was limited. Also I was an only child until I turned 8. DD's are 2 years apart and their relationship gives them lots of built in intellectual support plus challenges.
I wonder how much of this is the way the two of them were born and how much is parenting. With DD11, we didn't focus AT ALL on achievement, sole concern was emotional/social. We just figured she'd do fine academically and we wanted her to be happy too. But we ended up feeling like we went too far - though I can't point to anything and say it's something different we did. It's just that the younger one was immersed in academics all along since his big sister was learning to read when he was an infant.
I see some of this too with my oldest and youngest.