Not sure. I think it's a maturity thing, whatever that really means. We actually *did* try a WISC right after ds turned 6 -- the tester was reluctant to test such a young 6 but agreed to give it a go. And she was right! She ended up stopping after two subtests, saying it wasn't his day--he kept asking if she was trying to trick him! And this was a kid who had obviously cooperated beautifully with the WPPSI 8 months earlier. Maybe it really just wasn't his day -- or maybe there was a reason she'd been reluctant! smile

A different tester I spoke with said that between the WPPSI and the WISC for a 6yo, she tends to give the WPPSI because of what she referred to as "maturity level."

Of course, take all this with a grain of salt--ask your own people, use your own judgement with your own child. But both the testers I spoke with recommended waiting until at least 6.5 on the WISC.

ETA: Both these testers are highly experienced with gifted kids.

Last edited by Mia; 10/13/08 08:44 AM.
