Originally Posted by Ametrine
Originally Posted by nicoledad
Everyone has covered the "homeschooling" angle but what have been done for his HSC? The home schooling and online schooling just for me seems to put off your child's problem. I am not trying to be insensitive if it comes out that way.
... your thought that I should continue to place my child in that environment day after day and tell him he needs to "deal with it" would be taken as very insensitive to his need for understanding and above all, his need for us to be his safety advocate.
I did not see nicoledad's post recommending that you place your child in danger. I understood the post to be gently questioning why you did not ask other parents on the forum what action(s) you might take to help a Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) learn better ways to manage himself, deal with disappointment, etc, which in turn may avoid situations such as
Originally Posted by original post
He has had incidents of crying in class that have made him a target of teasing..."You're a cry-baby, like a third grader."
A child crying in public* at age 10 is a problem to be addressed. Have you talked with him about what he feels before he cries and what other actions he might choose to take to express his feelings and remedy the situation? For example, if the class is coloring and someone took a crayon color he wanted to use, does he cry? Does he choose to color another part of his picture and ask to have the desired crayon next? If the teacher calls on him and he wasn't paying attention, does he cry? Etc.

* there are a limited number of situations under which a person may be given a pass for crying in public. Death of a parent, sibling, close friend, possibly even a pet are some examples. Sudden severe injury/pain may be another.