Originally Posted by howdy
I’m sorry you are in this situation.

Although, it is true that many kids here may do their work very fast, if your child is a perfectionist, or distracted, they may require more supervision.

Can you schedule alone time in the evenings or weekends?

Thank you for your sympathy. Really no child should have to endure what our son has. I found out he kept most of the past bullying to himself! No reporting done on any of it. No wonder he broke down in class upset when the health textbook asked about self-esteem. frown

He's not a perfectionist, but very conscientious about completing his work. He has told me not to worry about his not getting the assignments done.

I've had some heart-to-heart conversations with my husband about my alone time needs and I think he understands our family is about to go through a change of flow. He's completely dedicated to me and DS, so I know we can get through this. He knows I need time to "catastrophize" the worst-case scenario to work through a new change.