It's great to hear these success stories. We have only had a few brief dabbles with homeschooling - well, really only one short one. Grade 7 for a few months - it was in response to my DS 12 feeling miserable at school.

After months of cajoling him into going it came to a head and we pulled him. He watched documentaries on world history, researched modern artists and went to the art gallery, he reverse engineered songs he liked on the keyboard and saxophone, wrote a story, read math books and we had a math tutor come once a week who could answer his big thinking questions. He ultimately decided to go back for the end of the year.

This year, around the same time of the year, misery hit again. After much discussion we pulled him but he immediately regretted it and begged to go back. He is back but seems disengaged. Would have done distributed learning (virtual school) to start at least. Perhaps that will happen next year.