Homeschool is also not some "all or nothing" decision. DD was homeschooled in various ways (online school and brick and mortar homeschool classes) as well as attending a magnet school. She then did two years of private school in one (saving me a ton of tuition - lol) and is now starting public highschool early.

The most important lesson for our family that came from homeschooling is that it busts you out of this little box called "the way it's done." We'll never have the same perspective as we did before we took the leap.

Now we know we have options and control over what works best for us. It's empowered our whole family. If we try something and it doesn't work, we can try something else. It's really not the end of the world. This is especially important as DD's gotten older. If she wants to go to public high school, fine. She knows that there will be some BS and nonsense, but she also has perspective and knows what's shes gaining (tons of course options, AP and honors classes, etc).