I just wanted to say - don't beat yourself up for what has happened in the past. You did the best you could with what you knew at the time. Educators/books/experts/etc generally don't speak to the experiences of extreme outliers and often recommend things that might be fantastic for 99%+ of the population. As parents, it is very challenging to 1) realize what you're not part of that 99% 2) navigate the less traveled path that goes with that and 3) separate our own experience/baggage from what our child is currently dealing with (especially challenging when they are young and you are making choices on their behalf).

Are there things that I would have done differently if I'd known then what I know now? Probably, but all of my experience and my DC's experiences got us to where we are now and the best we can do is to learn from our mistakes and make the best choices we can going forward. We will inevitably make more mistakes but we're all just fumbling along.

edited - Doh - someone is faster than I am so you get the same advice x2

Last edited by chay; 03/07/17 12:24 PM.