This is all so interesting to read. I've been lurking on this board for about a year and a half now, since my then-15 month old suddenly and spontaneously counted to 10. It was that day I started to acknowledge that my daughter was a little different from most kids we know. I was surrounded by people telling me that my daughter would "slow down" and that all kids "even out" but I knew that couldn't be true. Reading this board has been hugely helpful to me as we get closer to school age and I think about how best to meet my daughter's needs. I don't know for sure that my daughter is gifted but it certainly seems like we're heading in that direction.

I was never tested but was placed in GT programs and cruised through school to a terminal degree. My husband is 2e and comes from a highly gifted family but despite his mother writing her dissertation about gifted children, he received no gifted education growing up. We're trying to do better by our own child and reading this board has been tremendously helpful for me.