I'm also from a highly gifted, high achievement family. Found this forum when DD8 was 2, because it was already clear she was not typical. It all felt so huge. It was like having a plane crash into your house, and not being allowed to talk about it because that would be impolite.

DD is homeschooled now. She's extremely strong-willed, and no school situation was ever going to work for her, so I'm glad I figured that out fairly early.

I'm now mostly a lurker here because our situation is cruising along nicely. (The academics are jostling along, she has time to follow her own interests, and she has a good friend group of smart kids who are mostly older than her.) I might have gotten her tested just in order to access DYS and find more peers, but since things are good I don't see a need to.

In the past when I was more involved with this board I did a lot of answering questions and clarifying misunderstandings about brains, since that's my field.

One of the nice things about this forum for me is hearing about kids that are *smarter* than my DD, or who have different strengths. I also just really like hearing people's personal stories.