Thanks indigo! I just had just sent my email when I checked back in on the boards lol.

aes - or anyone lol
looking at the DYS application it requires a 145 on two indexes or one GAI or full scale. Currently DD has a 140 in VCI but she did hit the ceiling on the Information section. My question is, do you think that her GAI could increase if more tests were added to the current score? Would adding Picture Naming help raise the VCI and would Picture Concepts elevate her FR enough that it would be worth considering? I don't want to make her or the school continue testing if she is too far outside of the range, but if she is close it might be worth looking into. Would doing a full scale test raise her scores or is the GAI relatively stable with just the 4 simple subtests she was given. If it is worth pursuing, when should I do that? Now? when she turns 6 on the WISC-V? As soon as she turns 6 or later? Are they scaled to age -- meaning would they know the difference between scores on a kid who just turned 6 vs 6:11? Thanks again for helping decipher all the craziness!