The 12 catches my eye too - especially since the other scores were so high. My guess is that it is mostly to do with lack of exposure. She is highly imaginative and prefers to spend most of her time playing pretend and reading. She loves crafts, but mostly cutting, gluing and creating she has never spent much time coloring and her penmanship is lacking. She only started writing in August and has made great strides, but its just not something she focuses on. I know nothing about the tests other than what the report prints out.
So by answering all the questions -- she didn't hit a ceiling?
Before school started, I warned her that people learn at different rates and that she needed to patient with her peers and so far she has been doing great, however I have been seeing the silly's creep in and at home her listening skills and temper tantrums have really taken a turn for the worse, which I think is because she doesn't need to exercise them during the school day. She knows she can skate on the material without paying attention.