Sounds like you have a lovely little girl. Indigo's advice is also spot-on.

Formal teaching at this age isn't appropriate, but a love of books, words, and numbers is easy to foster.

Pointing to the words while reading is great advice, and that was sufficient for my youngest to pick up words as a two-year-old. Rhyming books are lovely for that age (Monkey Puzzle with "No, No, No!" was hugely popular here), as are conversation-type books (like Elephant and Piggie) that often use interesting effects to highlight words.

Clearly, what you're doing is working for your child, so you can ignore any naysayers (this skill will come in handy in the years to come).

Daycare indeed has a different focus, but I find play-based learning at preschool brilliant for my boys. Academics are a strength for these kids, so getting to work on other areas (fine motor for my oldest and social skills with agemates for the youngest) has proved tremendously useful, since non-academic skills are very important both in life and later schooling.