so many responses! DH and I were both musically inclined as kids and not at all encouraged by our parents so we both have a bit of baggage in this, although we are both very mindful that we don't want to drive her away from it. It's important to us that DD grows up with some artistic outlet of some form that she can use a means of expression/relaxation when she is an adult. We also see music important in and of itself, so I guess it's safe to say we value her continuing in music. However I want to make it clear that if at anytime she says she wants to quit we would let her. Already at 6 she has chosen a number of activities and refused to quit any of them (we have forced her to leave a couple). So I'm not bothered about giving her a quitters attitude!

I do sit with her when she practises, she resists and then has a go, but its rarely a success. She def finds the books to be dull, she can hear a song on the radio and then play it (one note at a time - no chords) a few weeks later without hearing it again. I know she hasn't heard it since being as we generally don't play the radio and stick to stuff we know and love. She wants to play the flute but I understand she is too young at this stage. I would love for her to just mess about on the piano and take "music" lessons but she won't give up her teacher.

I think I will give it one last serious attempt at practising (as per Mana's suggestion) and then just chill out and see what happens as she gets older.