so DD6 has been learning piano for 2 years. She showed great potential early on though we changed schools after a year as she was finding group lessons tedious. She now goes to a wonderful lady who panders to her and spoils her rotten (so she loves to go). Problem is DD refuses point blank to practise. She has gone backwards and now can't play most of the stuff she was very good at a year ago. I don't want to change teacher again as I think this one is keeping her positive about music. When I quiz dd about why she doesn't practise she says its because she finds the easy songs too hard to learn. She then though will sit down and play by ear quite well with no practise songs like doe a deer or pop songs. I don't want her to quit because she has some raw ability. Any suggestions? She isn't in love with piano but her father and I are at an impasse about letting her change instruments when she won't practise!