This is a bit "to each his own," but one thing that I've found is that even the same child may have needs that change. That is, when DD (an extravert, by nature) was younger she was always asking to try every activity in sight. As she has matured and started receiving more homework, she seems to need more downtime. I have cut way back on her activities since she was small (and she has already tried so many). Also, she doesn't play the way she did when she was very young, but if I realized that if I do not provide her with downtime, she has no time to utilize her huge imagination (drawing, writing). She is now much happier having what looks like "downtime" (yet she is quite busy with her own imaginative agenda and seems absolutely recharged when she has this time).

DS, on the other hand, is more of an introvert. He has never wanted to try as many activities as DD. He'd much rather focus on a few and try to get better at them.

So, from my observation, it is partially what you and your child prefer, but keep in mind that your child's needs change as they grow. HTH!