Some might say my kids are over scheduled, while others might say I am too relaxed. My older two are now at the point where they set their own activities. more or less (18 and 20, entering freshman and senior year respectively). Middle kid, the 18 year old, played two varsity sports, played one as a travel sport (year-round for past six years), served on the board of a local non-profit, worked part-time and took five APs this past year. She also had time to watch Netflix.

Youngest, age 11, is my problem. She quits activities as soon as they become too hard, require practice or interfere with anything (even once) that she thinks is fun (watching YouTube, going to a friend's house). She will agree to an activity, can be excited about it, then wants to quit. The older two might have complained once in a while, but nothing like the youngest. More importantly, they did not quit - they at least gave an activity a fair try before moving on.

If you asked my older two now, I think they would say they had a decent balance of activities. They see the youngest as a quitter. Not sure how old your kids are, but my little one, as a rising 7th grader, needs to start focusing on some activities. Our approach has always been to try a lot of things in elementary, start figuring out the favorite activities in middle school, and be more focused in HS.

I wouldn't cram his schedule so full that he has no downtime, but I also would not allow the do nothing option. The kids need to develop some interests so they do stuff as they get older - you don't want the HS/college aged kid just being "relaxed" all of the time. Just my opinion...