I mean this to be funny, but it may not be (except to slightly hysterical me).

Talking to DS about the AoPS Python class, and he responds: Um, no, I don't want to learn PYTHON, it is outdated and nobody uses it any more. [I have no expertise so no idea if he has any clue about this.] So, DS, what language do people use? He says, C++ and he "already knows a little about it." Whatever, DS. See? Has to be his idea or no-thank-you. I told him it could be useful for learning the lingo, so will wait and see if that idea percolates into something nonresistant.

As an aside that belongs on a different thread: he has one class in which it's impossible to know what's going on (multiple writing pieces, each goes through a conference/draft process, all due the last day) that he claims to be caught up--so I ask teacher via email if she can confirm--no response. That was last week.

This week, he has multiple projects and presentations along with finals in all of his classes NEXT week and he can't remember when his presentation for the aforementioned class is scheduled (and it's not in planner), so I email, yesterday, and say "DS can't remember when his presentation is scheduled, will you let me know, please?" I received a response today: "He scheduled it for a day, he will need to check in class today." I think that teacher doesn't want me to ask these questions, would you agree?

He writes no due dates in the planner and I guess my check-in email is supposed to communicate nothing? I guess she really doesn't recognize that DS can't remember to do these things without support. I try to support him but it's such a damned if you don't, damned if you do situation.

I can't wait until May 19!