It wasn't too hard to find the "Contract" the H.S. wanted DS to sing freshman year. It was the end of the year and DS never did sign it. It was also being pushed by a vice-principal who left at the end of that year. He needed to try and follow this for 6-8 weeks before they would consider testing him for a 504. But I circumvented that by getting him tested that summer.

It had the following things listed on the main page. Some of them are rephrased. Not all were checked off for him. I've stared what they checked off for him.

*Homework log. (Signed by teachers)
Mandatory "study hall" program.
*Assigned "study hall" hours. (explain below)
Weekly Progress Reports
After School Peer Tutoring
After School Homework Lab
* Other

The "study hall" in a period all students have at our school twice a week where they can go to any teacher they need help from, or the library, media center. They have a lot of freedom but are supposed to be "studying". They wanted to ASSIGN him to go to one of his teachers once a week. They also wanted him to go to the Career & College Center and do a career inventory. They also pushed hard for him to take the after school homework lab but had limited space in it and they wouldn't take any kid into that program who wasn't 100% on board with it.

This is just the first page of a 15 page packet that includes a calendar, homework logs, study tips. It seems to be a fairly standard set of information they send home to any struggling student. I have no idea if you school does something similar.