Thanks, all, for the advice and encouragement.

Re: homework, we see a few different policies on homework (And yes, sometimes it's grading-on-compliance) but perhaps I should say "assignments" instead of "homework", for the problems apply to all kinds of work, including drafts, lab reports, projects, and presentations, that are done, begun, or completed in or out of the classroom.

Reading your advice and thoughts, I know I'm doing most of them so hopefully on the right track as far as preparing for the meeting.

I hadn't thought of asking the psychologist to come, but anyway they have only gotten together a couple of times. I did ask him for anything he thinks might be pertinent, but with the long holiday weekend here I won't hear from him until a day or two before the meeting.

I know that all the attendees want to help, but a couple of them do not know DS at all, and another approaches issues from a disciplinary point of view, which does keep DS going to class. I think his approach can help, if combined with support to deal with the anxiousness. My experience with that person is that support is not his forte.

I am trying to consider everything deeply, so that I can be prepared and responsive. What keeps me up nights is the "unknowns", things that might come up that I couldn't possibly have imagined.