Thanks for the response. I won't be able to get any more elaboration before the PTI. We are in the same province but DD's teachers were in the first group that resolved their contract issues a while ago so that isn't to blame. This school is just a black hole for parent info and always has been (switching boards has really highlighted just how dark it is by comparison, even with DS's teacher on work to rule we still had more contact/info than we've ever had in the other board without job action in place).

We did talk with DD and she says she always finishes math but doesn't always finish the writing. She said they have a table that you are supposed to go to if you need help with writing but whenever she does she gets sent back to her desk because "there are kids that need it more". One possibility I've thought of is perfectionism - DD really wants the spelling, punctuation, etc to be perfect but maybe there is a real underlying issue there beyond that. With DS setting the bar so low on writing it is really hard to know what "normal" is. We've worked at home on the perfectionism a lot with getting her to just do her best and then correcting it later.

The IEP response is annoying but I'm willing to play their game for a bit in the hopes of saving my advocating for more pressing issues. Our board's version of an ISRC is that they have 2.5 resource teachers and each grade is assigned one. The person I talked to on the phone is the resource person for her grade (and coincidentally enough was the resource person for DS last year). She was also DS's 2nd grade teacher before moving to resource last year. We have a lot of history with her so it a challenge to avoid getting into an discussion about their version of differentiation which was pretty much useless... I'm also involved with the people at the top of the Spec Ed food chain in our board but I'll keep that ace in my pocket until I really need it wink