Originally Posted by eco21268
What do you think set him off in the art class?

Does he actively or passively refuse to comply?

As my DS becomes a little more aware of his process--we've made some helpful discoveries:

He does not do as well in unstructured classes. This year it's more an academic issue (he needs explicit systems to hand in work), but last year it was behavioral. In a class where it is sometimes okay to mill about and socialize, and sometimes not..."time and place" did not compute. He's improving in this and it's because of explicit instruction and also his new (self-chosen) default of "when in doubt, sit down and shut up."

I'm not 100% sure but I think it was a combination of boredom, and his history with this teacher. They have been at odds all year, as she is strict, swift to discipline, and he has difficulty in those situations. Both myself and my wife have spoken to her on multiple occasions, but she does not seem to view DS as having a disability or skills issues.

DS will actively refuse to comply. He has problems with anyone telling him what to do, especially if it is in the form of an order or command. He will take direction when it is gently given and he feels like he's being treated as an equal.

I may try some role-playing with him this weekend to see if we can get him to follow faux-commands in a safe setting. A poor man's CBT if you will...