I've probably documented the difficulties we've had with DS's art teacher, but today we decided to pull him from the class. He'll do art at home with my wife.

The art teacher is rigid and inflexible (the irony there is overwhelming). DS was bored today, was walking around talking to other kids, and the art teacher told him to sit in his seat. He refused (the two of them have a history), so she called the office and DS got an earful from the assistant principal.

I cannot justify DS's non-compliance, but we just had an IEP meeting one week ago in which we discussed alternative ways of dealing with DS when he resists following directions. She could have engaged him in something else or let him read a book. Instead, she entered into a battle of egos with a 12yo.

Anyway, this will be our first shot at homeschooling. Luckily art is last period, so my wife can just pick him up early.

My frustration with our school mounts.