I remember watching "Inside the Teenage Brain" a long time ago when my first child (with complex neuro issues) was in puberty. Here's an article referencing that show and giving a simple explanation of puberty and brain changes:


My eldest has a constellation of neurological symptoms, the most alarming of which is a seizure disorder that had its onset at puberty. Interestingly, his seizures originated in the frontal lobe. smirk It's not uncommon for kids to either "grow out" of seizures in adolescence or to have an exacerbation. Weird stuff.

When you throw in kids with EF issues, who knows how all of this works. There are all kinds of neurology based research articles about ADHD, ASD, etc., on the internet but they are way above my pay grade. I know there are quantifiable differences between "normal" and "abnormal" brains, that can be seen with various types of imaging.